Chargeprice API Documentation

Exporting all Charging Stations

Needed Endpoint: Index Charging Stations

Per default the charging stations API is only returning 400 stations. Via the pagination options (described in the stations API docs also) you can however fetch all stations, which match the given criteria.

In general, the charging stations API supports multiple types of searches. There is no search type that is explicitely designed for exporting all stations, but this use case is possible by using the Radius Search, with for example the following parameter:

This is a workaround, that searches from the equator in a radius of more than the circumference of the earth. You can use any combination that covers the area that you need. In the future there might be other options as well.

With these basic request parameter + pagination you can walk through all pages as long as the response contains meta.more_available=true.

The requests might then look like:

1) Page: <base-url>/v1/charging_stations?filter[longitude]=0&filter[latitude]=0&filter[radius]=50000000&page[number]=1


Please call the API sequentially and not in parallel to avoid stressing the database too much.